Midsummer Milestones

Happy June to all,

Writing antics

Those long-term subscribers may know I prefer to flow with the rhythms of nature. June heralds the midsummer. The days are long. Everything is pushing outward, extroverted, and at its fullest potential. Naturally, this aligns with me finishing the second draft of my novel. Read and reread. Grammar and spelling checked (I’m sure some errors will still creep through), and it will soon be out to my beta readers to critique.

I know many writers shrivel in horror at the thought of people reading their work (strange, considering that is our ultimate goal). As someone who naturally takes critique (and compliments) awkwardly, I find the opposite with my writing. I too enjoy beta reading for other writers because it helps me improve my writing craft and my ability to critique not only others, but also my own work. Writing can often feel like a solitary journey, and I love making these relationships with other writers who have seen my stories in their embryonic form right through to completion. 

This leads me to another bit of summer, showy exuberance…

Earth Pathways

Earth Pathways is a small green co-operative who is passionate about earth-care, fair-share and a more sustainable, equitable future for all. Their diaries, calendars and journals are full of original artwork and writings inspired by environmentally conscious creatives.

Three pieces of my work are included in the 2025 diary which you can read more about on my blog.

What creative works have you recently accomplished? Please share in your reply.

